Today I went to Starbucks and bought a cup of coffee. Man, it’s like 100% caffeine! I had the coffee at around 3PM, and even now at 10:20 I feel like I’m going to be up all night! When I think how many people come in here and get their fix every day, this is kind of scary.
Which reminds me of my most favorite comedian, Bill Maher. (He is the best, period.) He’s an avid supporter of the legalization of marijuana. To him, smoking marijuana is no different from smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol or drinking coffee. Each is addictive, makes people high and does not harm others in any way (except second-hand smoking, which is why it’s banned indoors almost everywhere). It should be each adult’s own responsibility to not abuse them.
If I visit Starbucks, I’ll be in for the T-Mobile HotSpot wireless connection, not the coffee. Maybe a cup of tea, at most.