Freakonomics的博客上,Steve Levitt解释了为什么尽管根据统计规律,射点球的时候应该射向球门中间–守门员最佳的策略是扑向左或右边,而不是在中间等着,还是很少有人这么作.
因为对球员来说,面子比赢球更重要.如果往边上射,即使运气不好,被守门员扑出来,也不会有人责备你–运气不好而已. 可如果你向球门中间踢过去,虽然大部分时间可能进球,但在小概率事件发生,球被守门员拦住,你就会立刻成了历史罪人. 所以很少有人在罚点球的时候选择踢向中间. 用他的话说;:”So even though the middle is a great play statistically, kickers don’t choose it very often. There are some things that are even more important than winning, like not looking like a fool.”
The first kicker from Ukraine missed his shot. Then it was the Swiss player’s turn. The story from the AP describes the Swiss player’s shot as follows:
“Marco Streller’s effort for Switzerland was worse—low and directly at Shovkovskyi.”
The second Swiss player also missed. Here is the AP’s description:
“Barnetta hit the crossbar.”
Not pejorative at all…hitting the crossbar is apparently acceptable.
But then the third Swiss player kicked it, to the following description:
“Ricardo Cabanas looked almost amateurish on his shot directly into the middle of the goal—and again, right at the Ukranian goalkeeper.”
“It is not just whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.”