I came upon this Rice Cycle photo essay made by an American (?) traveller.
My first reaction? I am ashamed. I am deeply ashamed of never knowing, until today, how rice, the staple food for all Chinese, is grown in our motherland. I wish this photo essay were a part of my primary school textbook.
To be fair, I’ve seen pictures similar to some in there, but to see the whole process from start to finish, it’s just unbelievable. The power just cannot be matched by any subset of the whole thing.
My second thought after seeing this laborious process is probably in line with what most Chinese my age who grew up in the city–that it took so long and so much work to grow this thing. And I began to recall how my parents (and all parents) used to tell me we should not waste a single piece of rice if only to respect the work that goes into growing rice and putting it in the bowl on the dinner table.
I’m sure I’ll see more of such shocking pictures. Hopefully not from a foreigner’s travelog.
On a second thought, maybe it doesn’t matter where I see them. Or maybe it’s even more meaningful if they are found through foreigners’ eyes.