As I mentioned last time, in English or any western language, the given name always comes before the family name. This presents a huge inconvenience when sorting names—because you cannot sort by the alphabetical order of the first letter of the name. If you’ve ever written a program that sorts names, you know how tedious it is just to find the right letter to sort by. During my recent trip, I was in a conference in Shanghai. The local organizers compiled a directory of all attendants and gave up on sorting by last names—they just sorted by whatever comes first. If only the creator of the name sequence had thought about this! The same frustration applies to addresses—why the heck do they start the finest detail, the street number first? And why do they have the apartment number AFTER the street name, not before the street number? The postman’s job would be much easier if they know where a letter is going by only looking at the first word in the address.
In summary, all addresses and names should be in the Chinese order:
Country, State/Province, City, Street, Number
Family Name, Given Name
For example, if you were to write to the richest guy in the world, you would write to:
Microso*t Way 1
Gates Bill